
7 Tips to Set up Your Work From Home Desk!

September 10, 2020

Working from home is hardly a new phenomenon, but the COVID-19 pandemic has made it an unplanned requirement for many office and knowledge workers. Even as the coronavirus crisis eventually recedes, many employers will have discovered that they don’t need large office buildings, and many employees will have discovered that they don’t need to be in the office every day or spend hours commuting. As more and more Americans are working from home, it is predicted to be the new normal for many organizations even in a post-COVID-19 world. 

With video chat technology, the rise of the gig economy, and increasingly flexible company policies, the world is your office! So why not amp up your home office to ooze productivity & good vibes! Whether you’re writing an email, attending a conference call, or writing a stunning piece of work – your work desk needs to be perfect to get you up to the task! Here are some helpful tips to give your home office a creative makeover & get that work environment!

1.   Clear The Clutter: First thing you need to do – Clear out all the unnecessary things from your desk. A cluttered space will hinder your creativity and affect your productivity. Make sure your desk only contains stuff that you absolutely need! This means all those extra pens, notes from that one time, and probably your favorite little action figure too (Or not, coz you know action figure are dope :P) but the rest of the junk needs to go.

2.   Bring In Some Greenery: Bringing a little desk-plant can boost your creativity to a great extent. Plants are known to have a positive impact on their surroundings like reduced stress, enhanced creativity, and improved cognitive function in humans.

3.  Elevate Your Vertical Space: You can never go wrong with a custom wallpaper or a wall mural. A personalized wallpaper behind your desk with a soothing vibe will make you feel composed & contented. Get custom wallpapers in various colors, for instance – blue boosts creativity, red encourages attention to details, etc. Create customized wallpapers that suit your vibe!

4.  Get a Comfy Chair – There are two main aspects of a Work From Home desk – a table and a chair. While tables can be switched, getting the perfect chair to support your spine is crucial to your home office. You’ll have to work on this chair for long hours and it is the support system for your entire sitting posture – so make sure you don’t compromise on it! You can also get custom throw pillows for your chair to make it more comfortable.

5.   Get Some Motivational Posters: Motivational posters are a great way to keep your spirits up through a tough, long day of work when all you wanna do is curl up in your bed! You can also get a canvas frame with your favourite quote printed on it to make your whole space a little more aesthetic!

6.   Notepads, Planners, & Pens: These stationery items can be very handy when you quickly wanna jot down some ideas, takes notes on a conference call, or just to scribble your thoughts. A customized planner can help you plan out your day/week & help you be more organized. You can get customized stationery & get custom printed notepads with us! 

7.   Let There Be Light: Make sure your workstation gets plenty of light. It is recommended to have natural sunlight on your desk but if not – don’t stress it, just add some bulbs that softly compliment your space. This is important because dim lights can make you sleepy & hinder your productivity.  

Take your sweet time to decorate your designated workspace as you’ll be spending a lot of time in your home office Be your most productive self with personalized products! We, at Neon Earth, provide a range of customized products from personalized posters, customized stationery, eclectic throw pillow covers to custom wallpapers & more that will help you revamp your work desk! We have an in-built Creative Lab so you can transform your imagination into unique products! 

 Tell us how you designed your home office & share snaps of it to flaunt your unique style!

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