After cleaning out your office, you come upon an unopened stack of index cards and don’t want them to go to waste, but in this day and age, the majority has grown accustomed to using a smartphone or tablet for all of their needs. Smart devices allow you to take notes, study for tests, make to-do lists, and create reminders, so why use index cards?
Digital Distortion

The prolonged usage of phones and tablets develops a dependence on one device and leaves us stuck to a screen for the majority of the day.
Revisiting some “old school” or traditional practices using index cards can potentially yield better results. To the untrained eye, a simple index card just looks like a small piece of paper, but in the hands of an expert, this tool can have endless uses.
It’s an Oldie but a Goodie
Because of the compact size of a notecard, flashcards are one of their most common uses. There is just enough room to write down the most necessary information on one side and the keyword or term bolded and large on the other. Maybe even draw some pictures or color-code the phrases to help in the process.
Methods of studying are unique to the user, but flashcards have been a tried and true technique to quickly learn facts or vocabulary – especially in preparation for an exam. There is something about physically writing words down that helps with retaining information, so utilizing this method to learn is a great way to pave your way to success.
Research Paper

Writing a research paper is no easy task, so any tool that can help the process is always welcome. Using index cards to write notes can keep the information organized and concise. The amount of space only allows you to write what is needed, like specific quotes or ideas, without overcrowding the page with useless information.
If the research is sourced from a book, keep the cards organized by writing page numbers and chapters on the top right of the card. If the resources are articles online, write the citation information on the other side. Using this technique of note-taking also assists in the layout of your outline because it is easier to organize the cards based on the topic.

It may be a toast at a wedding, a proposal at work, or an opening statement as to who’s washing the dishes, no matter the reason, index cards can prove useful in the realm of public speaking. The average individual will likely have to prepare a speech for public consumption at some point in their life. Rather than succumbing to stage fright, take a word from the wise and prepare with notecards.
The amount of cards depends on the size of the speech, but the concept remains the same. Write down sections on each index card, and try to separate them by the main idea to keep the recitation going smoothly. If you are skilled at memorization, you only need to write down bullet points of each main idea to assist you when your mind goes blank, but there is no shame in writing the whole thing down on each page.
Learning a Language

Index cards can be incorporated as a complementary asset to language learning apps and websites currently on the market. They assist in the daily reinforcement needed to make consistent progress. Look around the house and write labels in the second language for the items you see. Sticking the card to the corresponding object will subliminally reinforce the vocabulary you have already learned.
Take it a step further and incorporate the “flashcard” method with the above technique. Write a word or phrase on the index card in the new language and write the translation on the other side. Stick the index cards on doors or devices you use frequently and only allow yourself to interact with them if you can accurately translate the index card.

Staying organized in our daily lives can be a taxing endeavor, but writing down lists to keep up with each task can ease some stress. Although doable on a mobile device, jotting down a list on an index card can be a quicker and more satisfying alternative. You can also use them to write down shopping lists to ensure nothing is forgotten on the next trip to the market. At the very least, they are great for scribbling some ideas for future projects or affirmations to keep you motivated.
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