This Apple TV favorite has stolen the hearts of many fans and as the series prepares for its third season, it’s time to take a look back at the season that started it all. These words of wisdom are helpful for anyone needing a touch of positivity to renew their faith in themselves.
Curiosity Saves the Cat
“Guys have underestimated me my entire life. And for years, I never understood why. It used to really bother me. But then one day, I was driving my little boy to school, and I saw this quote by Walt Whitman, and it was painted on the wall there. It said, ‘Be curious, not judgmental.’ I like that.” – Ted Lasso, Episode 8
Although a quote within a quote, Lasso drives home the message through his life experience. He is aware that the bullies of his past were acting out of ignorance when they should have tried to understand his actions.
There will always be haters trying to bring you down, but don’t let it stunt your imagination or creativity. Listen to your intuition and trust that the negativity is coming from a place of naivety. Their words have more to do with themselves than it does with your work.
What Doesn’t Kill You

“So I’ve been hearing this phrase y’all got over here that I ain’t too crazy about. ‘It’s the hope that kills you.’ Y’all know that? I disagree, you know? I think it’s the lack of hope that comes and gets you. See, I believe in hope. I believe in belief.” – Ted, Episode 10
Belief and hope are the core to all of Lasso’s principles, so hearing that the people around him treat hope as a hindrance is unacceptable. Many people who have been let down by hope in the past are afraid to trust in it again, but losing it is what crushes you in the end.
Have faith in your journey, no matter the disappointments, failures, and obstacles that interfere along the way. Stay hopeful that all of the struggles will be worth it in the end.
Anti-Comfort Zone
“Takin’ on a challenge is a lot like riding a horse. If you’re comfortable while you’re doin’ it, you’re probably doin’ it wrong.” – Ted, Episode 1
In any field, there is no growth if you stick to the same routines and practices. This is especially true for creatives who fear taking the next step in their path to success. It could be learning a new program or switching art mediums.
Change is scary, and it’s easy to become complacent, but part of what makes creativity so fulfilling is the opportunity to grow and see things from a new perspective.

“I like the idea of someone becoming rich, because of what they gave to the world. Not just because of who their family is.” – Sam, Episode 6
Working toward your successes is more fulfilling than having them handed to you. The grind builds work ethic, character, experience, and skill.
It may be tempting to envy the people around you who have been given the resources to reach success at a quicker rate, but their achievements are just superficial symbols of privilege and have no lasting value. What you learn on your path is worth more than all the money in the world.
Be Yourself
“Coach, I’m me. Why would I want to be anything else?” – Jamie, Episode 2
This quote may come after an innocent hypothetical question posed by Lasso, but Jamie’s response – albeit delivered with a little arrogance – reminds us that confidence and understanding one’s own value will allow us to succeed in any endeavor we choose to pursue.
Make Your Own Luck
“As the man once said, the harder you work, the luckier you get.” – Ted, Episode 1
Although the quote seems a little counter-intuitive, what Lasso is hinting at is that luck can happen to anyone, but those who work harder will find their luck changing a little more often because it opens up more opportunities to receive it.
We can’t all just wish upon a star to make our dreams come true, but perseverance and drive will get you half of the way there. If you are better prepared for the opportunities that find you, you won’t need luck at all.
Live in the Moment

“You know what the happiest animal on Earth is? It’s a goldfish. You know why? It’s got a 10-second memory.” – Ted, Episode 2
There will be many times that the world will get you down. In the case of Ted Lasso, Sam literally fell down during a drill and lost the ball as a result. To make matters worse, his obnoxious teammate rubbed salt in the wound with some arrogant comments.
Coach Lasso quickly called him over to encourage him to forget about the moment and start fresh instead of dwelling on his mistake. This is a mindset we should keep with us at every moment we fail.
Smells like Potential
“I do love a locker room. It smells like potential.” – Ted, Episode 1
Maybe it’s not a locker room for your particular situation, but it could be a classroom, a studio, or maybe the outdoors. Whatever space you have found that sparks inspiration and boosts motivation will instantly get your creativity flowing.
If you ever feel like you have hit a slump, find the place that smells like potential to you. Before you know it, the ideas will come bursting out.
Warm Up

“Your body is like day-old rice. If it ain’t warmed up properly, something real bad could happen.” – Ted, Episode 9
It is easy to get caught up in work and deadlines, but being under constant stress can damage your health, both physically and mentally. If you jump out of bed and get to grinding the second you stand up, your body has no time to recharge and recover from the stresses of the day before.
Give yourself a break every once in a while, or at the very least, take a moment at the start of every day to warm up your mind and body. Try some meditation, a bit of yoga, or even a cup of calming tea while scrolling through Instagram.
Misery Loves Company
“I promise you there is something worse out there than being sad, and that’s being alone and being sad. Ain’t no one in this room alone.” – Ted, Episode 10
It is a human inevitability that there will be times we feel emotions rooted in sadness. Whether we’re dealing with personal issues, navigating professional shortcomings, or just bearing one of those rainy days, it’s important to know that everyone has been in the same place at least once.
Find comfort in the unity of shared experience and maybe call over a friend or family member who can take some of the weight off your shoulders.
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