Dealing with problems is a fact of life. Although existing in a world with no obstacles or struggles seems ideal, the reality is that we need problems to evolve. We strive to better ourselves and our world because it is our nature.
That being said, problems are never fun – which is kind of the point. The way you handle the inevitable is what will result in fewer issues and better outcomes in the future. The problem isn’t the problem. It’s how you deal with it that counts.
A New Perspective
So your car broke down, or you’re failing a class, or you’re lost with no cell service – what do you do? If your answer is to get angry, give up, or pity yourself, then all you are doing is dragging out the situation instead of finding a solution.
Yes, the situation you are in is less than ideal, and obviously, it will be frustrating, but ignoring your initial emotional reaction will serve you better in the long run because nothing gets done by pouting.
Switch gears, and start thinking critically and creatively to solve the conundrum you’ve found yourself in.
Prepare for the Worst

Often our issues are handled the best when we expect them to happen. Sure, we hope for the best, but nothing is worse than being surprised by a problem you’ve never dealt with before.
Being blindsided will only make matters worse, so take the steps to find potential solutions for messes that have yet to occur. Best case scenario, you’ll never need to use them and worst case you’ll be ready.
Ask for Help
Most likely, the problem you are facing has been dealt with before by a superior, a family member, or a peer, so take advantage of their experience. One of the beauties of having a team or a circle of people who care about you is using the diversity of knowledge among them.
It can be difficult to accept that some obstacles can’t be handled alone, but if two heads are better than one, imagine three, or five, or even ten. Never underestimate the value of experience, and don’t be afraid to ask for it.
Solve the Problem Not the Symptoms

Back to the scenario where your car broke down. Is the solution calling a tow truck? Sure, it would get your car out of the street, but it’s still not working. Do you take it to the mechanic? Well, they would fix the immediate problem, but think about the future. What is the real solution? Have a reliable, working car.
To keep your car from breaking down, you need to take care of it regularly or save up for a better one. It may seem like an over-correction to a simple problem, but to avoid more of the same issues you need a real solution.
This way of thinking can be applied to any predicament. Determine the result you want and the steps to get there. The present worries will be solved on the way there.
Stay Positive
Easier said than done, but if you go into a mess with the mindset that it isn’t getting cleaned up, then it won’t. On the flip side, if you handle the circumstances with a clear disposition and positive outlook, it will be finished before you realize how bad it was.
At the very least, you can take the situation as a learning opportunity that will help you deal with harder obstacles in the future. As irritating as these setbacks can be, a little positivity can boost morale, ease your mind, and help you think clearly in order to properly execute your plan.
Quitters Never Win

Some obstacles are rougher than others, and sometimes they seem to be endless. Regardless, there is always a solution, and the only way to reach it is to keep trying.
Sometimes it takes a moment of reflection and fresh eyes to get the ball rolling, and other times the answer is right in front of you.
As tempting as it is to give up and suffer the consequences, quitting will benefit no one. No lessons learned, no problems solved. Where there is a will, there is a way, so keep your will strong, and you’ll find your way.
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