New Year’s Day has become a ritual of rebirth for everyone around the world because of our innate fascination with fresh starts and redemption. Flashes of sparkling lights, sequined hats, and raised champagne glasses blur as the clock counts down the final seconds of the ending year.
Even if there is no objective difference between December 31st and January 1st, we are all connected by the same hope that this one will be better than the last – and that we will be better versions of ourselves.
Accountability Matters
To keep us accountable, we set personal resolutions. Unfortunately, they can often be unrealistic and unattainable, leaving us disappointed and ready for the next year before the first month of the current one is even over. This time cut yourself some slack, and don’t pack away the chocolates just yet.
Surround Yourself With Loved Ones

It could be the family you were born into and/or the family you chose, but keeping them close will enrich your life. It is easy to get consumed by deadlines, responsibilities, and pressures in life, but taking a break every once in a while to spend time with those we love should also be a priority.
Isolating ourselves in work can be draining and detrimental to our mental health. As social creatures, we need to surround ourselves with friends and family to soak in positive energy.
Maintain What Matters
Maintaining these relationships will improve your mindset and productivity because they remind you of the support system ready to catch you if ever you fall. Laughter is the best medicine, so laughing with loved ones this year will improve the health of your mind, body, and soul.
Treat Yourself as You Would Treat Your Best Friend
We are our own worst critic, and although self-improvement is a quality to strive for, self-sabotage is where we often land. We tear ourselves down with negative comments about our appearance, our work, our personality, or all of the above – and more.
Despite how damaging this habit can be, the routine of self-criticizing has become a normalized practice, and it takes constant effort to rewire the brain into responding differently.
Admiration Station

Think for a second about a person you care about and admire. Visualize all the wonderful qualities they possess, then imagine yourself belittling them the way you do yourself. Unthinkable right?
You should feel the same about the way you speak to yourself. It is easier said than done but start by acknowledging when you are unkind to yourself, and counter the mental comment with a compliment. Sooner or later, you will start believing the self-encouragement and become your own best friend.
You’re Not a Rat, Stop Racing
When we are children, the world around us is full of possibility and wonder. As we grow older, we tend to forget the “impossible” dreams we once had and settle for mundane nine-to-fives to keep a consistent income.
In the pursuit of a higher cash flow, we lose sight of ourselves and give up on the aspirations that motivated us long ago. Maybe we haven’t the luxury to quit our day jobs and chase after our heart’s desire. There are bills to pay and mouths to feed – but what about a life to live?
Set Goals
No one is saying it will happen overnight, but never give up on your goals. This year, take a little bit of time every day to pursue your calling, and one day it will become a reality. We all know that money will not buy happiness, so do not let it control your life. You may not be a kid anymore, but the world is still full of possibilities – you just have to reach a little bit.
Be More Active

This is not to say you need to join the hoards of people crowding the gym the first month of the new year only to stop going until next January. This does not even mean you need to formally exercise at all.
Being active encompasses so many different forms of movement, such as taking short walks, doing yoga, dancing in the mirror, and playing with your dog. Over the past couple of years, we have grown accustomed to a sedentary lifestyle with businesses transitioning to remote work, and technology making daily tasks increasingly hands-free. Bonus points if you go outside.
Revisit What Makes You Happy
Although these changes can improve the lives of so many people, they can also enforce bad habits that take a mental and physical toll.
Revisiting the daily tasks that we took for granted, like going grocery shopping or dressing up for a night out, are all ways to bring activity back into your life. Making an effort to move your body at least a little bit every day will do wonders for your health and productivity.
Cut Yourself Some Slack
Above all else, the main resolution you should have this year is to go easy on yourself. Just because it is a new year does not mean you should ever stop trying to be better. If you fall short of any resolutions, start again the next day, not the next year. Do not expect yourself to be perfect and prepare for mistakes because improvement comes with growing pains. If you are kind to yourself and keep trying to achieve your goals, this year will be the best yet!
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