Sure, resolutions are slightly overrated, but only because we have come to view them as temporary fixes, ultimately leading to disappointment. It’s time to change the game of resolutions and switch our perspective from unrealistic goals to motivational tools.
Aspire to better your mind, body, and soul by prioritizing yourself this year. Self-love is not selfish, and everyone deserves a little TLC to keep them going.
Preparation Makes Perfect
Opening some space in your busy schedule may seem daunting, but it does not have to be a major shift in your daily routine. A few simple steps to improve your habits can enrich your life and make a significant difference in your mental and physical health. If you are still lost, don’t worry.
Breathe In… 1-2

No, this isn’t holding your breath for ten seconds to keep yourself from exploding – although that may help sometimes. The new year may drag in the stress from its predecessor or present some fresh challenges of its own, but to maneuver them successfully, we need to learn when to pause. Taking a step back from the chaos is crucial to maintaining your sanity, or you may drown.
This year make your mental health a priority and allow yourself the time to breathe and reset when the world seems too overwhelming. Incorporate some mediation practices into your daily routine, even if it is just for five minutes. This moment is your free space away from any judgment or stress – just calm and tranquil minutes of peace. Implementing this into your busy schedule will grant you the tools to handle any obstacles coming your way.
It is time to love yourself more than you love those barbeque potato chips. Raiding the stash every once in a while is no problem but this year try to find foods that both provide your body with the nutrients it needs while satisfying the taste you crave. Healthy does not mean nasty. Consuming foods that nourish your body will improve your mood, heighten your confidence, and boost the energy you need to take on the day.
The problem with diet culture is that it promotes unrealistic standards that cause the participant to give up a week into the program. So let’s stop calling it a diet and start calling it a lifestyle that makes you happy, healthy, and satiated. The key is finding a balance of food groups to fulfill the daily macros that fit your needs.
Self Skin Care

Say goodbye to just splashing your face with water in the morning or scrubbing your face with makeup wipes before bed. This year, invest some time and find a skincare routine that caters to your unique needs. Skincare is part of self-care, so give yourself the care you deserve and treat yourself and your face!
There does not need to be 50 steps in your routine. If that’s what you like, then go for it, but for the minimalists out there, cut it down to four simple steps: Cleansing, treatment, moisturizer, and sunscreen. There are thousands of options to choose from, so do a little research to find the products that fit you. Remember, this is your time to pamper yourself, so make it count.
Get the Blood Flowing
Oh no, not exercise! Chill. No one said you have to drag yourself to the gym that you continue to pay a membership for. Getting your blood flowing could be a quick walk around the neighborhood or a 10-minute yoga session. Even standing up from the desk you have been sitting at for the past four hours and doing some easy stretches can be all you need to get started.
We have come a long way from hunting and gathering food and since then we have increasingly become more sedentary, which can be detrimental to our health. Sitting for long periods of time can contribute to high blood pressure, weight gain, and increased cholesterol. Aside from that, movement releases endorphins and relieves stress so increasing physical activity can do wonders for mental health as well.
Challenge Your Mind

Once the blood is flowing in your body, it’s time to get it flowing through your brain. After finishing school, we tend to lose the discipline and motivation to learn a new skill or concept. Sure, we continue to develop our knowledge through our work and experience but rarely do we take the time to formally educate ourselves on a topic that doesn’t relate to our day-to-day life.
Take a chance this year and dive into a subject that interests you. Maybe you have always wanted to learn Italian but never found a good enough reason to pursue it, or what if you wished you knew how to play the piano but never had the time to practice – no more excuses. Carve out the time to stimulate your mind because your brain is a muscle, and it needs exercise. “New year, new you” will finally ring true when you love yourself from the inside out.
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