Having premiered over 15 years ago, the target audience of this younger skewing cartoon classic is all grown up. With resounding takeaways abounding from every chapter in this story and deeply distinct characters populating every frame of animation, this isn’t just a show to some people: it’s religion. Allow us to take you to the temple of Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Master Your Elements
Our story tackles heavy issues, including loss, abandonment, and genocide, all while Taoist-inspired themes like hope, spirituality, and destiny are the philosophies it espouses.
On the surface, the show is a coming-of-age journey with witty zings and budding romances. At its core, however, Avatar is an epic tale that embodies principles we should all implement in our lives.
Don’t Dwell

Throughout the series, many of the characters battle demons from their past and struggle to make peace with themselves and their mistakes. Aang, specifically, harbors guilt for abandoning his people at the Southern Air Temple and blames himself for the Hundred Year War.
Many of us suffer under the same weight of dwelling on the past. We like to punish ourselves for mistakes we’ve made or blame ourselves for circumstances that were out of our control. This habit of self-sabotage and self-pity impedes our willingness to grow and learn. Focusing all of our energy on a time and place that no longer exists is a waste of time, so all we should do is learn from it and move onward.
“It’s Easy to Do Nothing, It’s Hard to Forgive”
Despite her age, Katara is a kind-hearted and strong maternal archetype of the core group. This role was one she was given when she and her brother lost their own mother to the Fire Nation. From that day forward, she held on to a hatred for the Fire Nation with a thirst for revenge.
It wasn’t until she was finally faced with the decision to act on her vengeance, that she realized how much of a toll it had on her heart. Although she was not able to forgive the man, she let go of the anger she held inside and at least forgave the person who – in her mind – was the embodiment of the Fire Nation: Zuko.
Don’t Let Decisions Make You
Katara’s decision both shows us the positive effect that forgiveness can have on one’s state of mind and that it takes time to be in a place where we are even ready to forgive. As long as we move in a positive direction, we can always hope to find peace.
Trust in the Process

The pressure of being the Avatar would get to young Aang, often to the point where he was either tempted to run from his problems rather than face them. He struggled with believing he was worthy of his destiny and needed to be reminded that despite his responsibility he is still just a kid.
It’s believed we all have an inner child. Aang is an embodiment of that inner child. With wonder comes worry and with worry comes panic to be perfect. Chasing perfection can be the downfall of anyone and cause us to feel inadequate and unqualified. ATLA teaches us the value of evolving at our own pace and acknowledging the accomplishments we have already made.
It’s Never Too Late…
The primary antagonist throughout the series is Prince Zuko, of the Fire Nation. Banished from his home, Zuko seeks retribution for his past – something he believes is feasible if he were to capture the greatest threat to his home nation’s supremacy.
As the show progresses, however, we see different sides to this character and begin to understand the reason behind his motives. He struggles with his identity for most of the series, and we come to learn that he is also a victim of his nation’s tyranny.
… for a Second Chance
Although his consistent pursuit and heartbreaking betrayal of Aang and his friends brand him as an enemy, he undergoes a metamorphosis that ultimately puts them on the same side.
As difficult as it is to let go of the wrongs that others have made against us, granting them a second chance could mean the birth of a new path for both you and your one-time sworn enemy.
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For Help

#TeamAvatar is stacked with extremely endurable individuals. Their greatest strength, however, is their ability to work together as a unit and help each other grow.
During the first season, the gang fit together pretty naturally, but they were met with an obstacle when their fourth member, Toph, joined. She was fiercely independent and refused to accept help from anyone and, in turn, would do nothing to help the others.
Learning is Growing
We learn that her aversion to assistance stems from her upbringing and insecurity of appearing weak. Many of us share her sentiment and find ourselves taking on more responsibilities than we can handle. It wasn’t until she finally opened up to her friends and allowed them in that they became an unstoppable team. We can all benefit from putting aside our pride and asking for help when we need it.
“In the Darkest Times, Hope is Something You Give Yourself.”
If there is one lesson that ATLA preaches the most, it is that no matter the circumstances or the outlook, there is always hope for a better tomorrow.
Amid the bleak reality of war, the gut-wrenching loss of loved ones, and the impossible task of fulfilling the role of the Avatar, the team never lost hope, and because of this, they triumphed. Implementing that philosophy in our own lives could mean the difference between falling into despair or rising up to our greatest success.
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